Monday, February 25, 2008

New to the blogging world

My name is Jennifer and I am a "blog stalker".
Rusty has been making fun of me for the hours that I spend reading blogs. I will link from blog to blog and find myself so lost, not knowing how I got there. He will find me crying and ask what is wrong and then laugh at my answer. "I don't know who she is, but listen to her story...."
I have enjoyed catching up on people's lives that I haven't seen in ages. It is such an anonymous way to keep up with people. I could never just call these people, they probably don't even remember me. But, it is neat to see what is happening in their lives, even if I can't remember their maiden name!
So, when my .mac account expired and the sad excuse for a website that I had died, I decided to finally join the blogspot world. I will come no where close to being as witty and creative as the blogs that I read, but I hope to keep up with old friends and become reacquainted. Then, I won't just be a stalker anymore, but maybe even a link on their blog for some stranger to get lost in!

Our old site should be up for a little while, if you are interested. It has lots of pictures of our life:


Kyle and Melanie White said...

Welcome to the world of blogspot! I look forward to your future posts.

Mark and Kimberly Davis said...

I will be adding your blog to my blog links. My only requirement as being a link on my site is that you update your blog at least once a month. :) Definitely looking forward to your posts(especially of Hobby)!!!

Stop by sometime,

Kimberly Davis

Sharon said...

Jenn - Good job! I can see how you got hooked reading other blogs. I went to Cindy's blog and watched the video of her grandson singing the books of the bible, twice. He was so cute. I also enjoyed looking at Kyle and Melanie's page and seeing pictures of our long time friends, David and Elaine, on the cruise with their family.

Court said...

Hey Jen! Thanks so much for leaving a comment and for stopping by as one of my stalkers :) I'll be sure to add your link to my pages, too! Thanks for your prayers along our journey. We appreciate your prayers.

Liz said...

hi - i'm a total stranger! i sort of know emily and brad, more now that we're bloggy friends than when we actually lived in the same zip code...and i've read your ENTIRE story (yep, all of it!). i've been laughing and crying with you for the last hour when i should have been folding laundry. =)

love from the bayou,