Sunday, March 30, 2008

Clean hair is the best! (and much more)

Yesterday was my first day off bed rest and I have to say that my favorite thing was washing my hair! I will never take shampoo for granted again!
Many of you have been asking for an update, but here is all we have so far: We went to the doctor yesterday morning for blood work and everything was ok. They called and had me start estrogen supplements (both pills and patches) and I had to do an Hcg "booster" shot. They tell me not to be worried, that about half of the patients have to do that. So, it is not a terrible sign, but I don't feel like it is a great one either. I am continuing my progesterone injections as well. Tomorrow, I will go back for more blood work and see how my hormone levels look.

This morning I was so overwhelmed with support and love from our Sunday school class. There are many couples, in the class, that have walked through infertility and they have just wrapped their arms around us (literally and figuratively)! So many people loved on us and told us how they are praying for us. It was such a blessing!
In the worship service, I was completely encompassed by the comfort of the Spirit. We sang a song that has spoken to my heart so much recently and I was overwhelmed. I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth, but just sat and cried. What an amazing reminder of God's goodness. He is in control, no matter what happens in this situation. Whether I am pregnant or not, He is good and He is faithful. No matter how good my doctor is, He is the creator of life and dependent on NO man.

You are not a god
Created by human hands
You are not a god
Dependent on any mortal man
You are not a god
In need of anything we can give
By Your plan, thats just the way it is

You are God alone
From before time began
You were on Your throne
Your are God alone
And right now
In the good times and bad
You are on Your throne

You are God alone

You're the only God
Whose power none can contend
You're the only God
Whose name and praise will never end
You're the only God
Whos worthy of everything we can give
You are God
And thats just the way it is

Just when I thought my heart was full with His comfort and presence, someone tapped on my shoulder and handed me a note. A sweet friend from Sunday school had seen me crying and written me a note. It says that the song has ministered to her in difficult times as well, that it is a reminder that God is good in the good times or bad, whether I am pregnant or not. She said "we are believing together now that God is holding your precious babies in his warm, big hands and guiding them to their little home inside of you. All things are possible with God- all things."It is a small note, written on the back of a receipt, but to me it is a treasure. Thank you Kelley!
He couldn't just stop at full. He wanted my heart to overflow this morning and WOW, how it did!

I didn't mean for this post to be a novel, but just wanted to share that with you. It's funny, I said when I started this blog that it would just be a way to post pictures and keep people updated, that I wasn't "one of those people" that post all of their private thoughts and emotions. Somehow, I became "one of those people." Maybe because it is helpful to me, but more importantly, I hope that it is helpful to someone else. I know that my heart has been touched and encouraged by so many blogs that I have read, whether they are strangers or friends. I pray that God will use the lessons that He is teaching me, to touch the heart of someone else and to comfort them.
To steal a quote from Erica again: "God does not allow us to go through experiences - good or painful - for us to just sit by and be quiet. He wants us to share; He wants us to be open. It is only when we speak up, when we are willing to share our lives with others, that He can use our experiences for His glory." This is one small way we're speakin' up. May He be glorified!
(You really should copyright your blog Erica, I am turning into a real thief!)


Anonymous said...

Rusty and Jennifer, Chase and I have been praying for you guys. God is bringing you to our minds and hearts often, and we are thankful for the urges of the Holy Spirit to pray. The couple who wrote the song you refer to are friends of ours through ministry. Their names are Billy and Cindy Foote. They have a precious daughter, Libby, through adoption and are in the process of adopting Aria from Ethiopia. Cindy blogs @ (Thought you would want to stalk her Jenni!) We love you guys, Chase and Laura Bowers

Cindy Foote said...

Rusty and Jennifer,
Thank you for sharing your story. May the power of our One True Creator God be revealed to you in the heart beat of a baby within you. But should He not answer in this way, may you be given revelation of His design for your future - the one that is perfect, right and far beyond what you could hope for, ask or imagine. Jesus be your center! Blessings, Cindy Foote

Erica said...

Isn't God's timing impeccable? How perfect that your first day free from bed rest is Sunday, so that you can go to church to worship, to learn and to be surrounded by the love and support of your friends! Wow! He's amazing!

I'm still praying...


P.S. I'm honored, blessed and encouraged that God would use parts of my journey to encourage you. It's all Him and not me, for sure!

Court said...

Praying for you both! Isn't it great how the Lord uses others to minister to us, just when we need it!?!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog and this one gave me goosebumps! No matter what happens you WILL be okay. Life is a journey and there is no telling what it has in store for you and your husband!

Paul, Jacque, & Kaely said...

Hi guys!
We're thinking of you!
Thank you so much for sharing your life with us - we love you guys and will continue to pray for you & your two little babies.
Paul, Jacque, & Kaely