Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Growth Spurt

Thanks to your prayers...
My follicles have had a little growth spurt! They have grown significantly over the last few days and may be ready to be hatched on Saturday! I have another appointment in the morning and we will schedule the retrieval based on how big the follicles are tomorrow. If not on Saturday, it should be by Sunday for sure!
I think that only you that have been through this process can understand how comforting it is to have a date to focus on. It makes it all seem much more real when you have a day to anticipate the next step.
Rusty has gotten a sneak peak at what I will look like pregnant! My tummy is so bloated and sticks out so much that I look like I am 16 weeks! I am getting very uncomfortable, but I every time I start to complain, I try to say a prayer of thanks! Discomfort means progress and growing follicles!


Kyle and Melanie White said...

Great news!

Erica said...

PRAISE GOD! That is awesome news, Jennifer.

I know that bloated belly too! It always cracks me up. My nurse told me during my last cycle that my ovaries were the size of small oranges! That explains the belly now doesn't it?!

Hang in there! The weekend will be here before you know it!

I haven't stopped praying.