I have had so many small blessings in my day today that have lifted my spirits tremendously. Any other day, I might not have noticed but today everything around me seemed like God reminding me that He is with me.
Here are a few of the things that I am so thankful for today:
- 1. A short line at Walmart. I don't know about your location, but I have to psych myself to go in this store. It's always crowded, kids are always screaming, and even though there are 100 lanes, only 2 are ever open. I hate it, but Target is so far away and sometimes it is not worth the drive. But then again, whatever I need from Walmart is usually not worth the stress. Anyway, today, no stress! I only got held up by a few stupid people (most of who were pregnant, by the way) Then, there was only one lady in front of me in the checkout line. Small miracle, I am sure of it.
- A nail technician that wasn't busy and spent extra time on my foot massage.
- A pregnant lady beside me at the nail salon (I am telling you, they are everywhere!) that struck up a conversation with me. I don't know how we got there, but somehow found out that she did IVF twice. She has a three year old at home and one due in July. She was so encouraging and loving. I needed to hear her success story.
- New pink flowers blooming all over the neighborhood. I love spring! My crepe myrtles are beginning to bloom as well!
- Not so small- but Rusty's dad is starting to feel a little bit better! He is still in the hospital on lots of antibiotics and pain meds. Thanks for your prayers and keep them up!
- A new Hills episode on tivo. A new American Idol and a new Beauty and the Geek.
- Lots of emails from my wonderful friends and family reminding us that we have lots of people praying for us and thinking of us! I feel so blessed to have so many people that love us and want to help during this time.
- Tonight I get to go on a date with my husband. We are going to Kirby's to celebrate tomorrow's transfer and spend some quality time together. This has been a stressful few weeks and we need a date night. Plus, I really need to load up on blue cheese (wedge salad, topping on steak, in my potatoes) because after tonight, I am hoping to not be able to eat it for a while. (That's the official word, but I personally believe that all things in moderation is fine, so I will probably have a little here and there.)
I am thankful to be the mother and mother-in-love of one of the most precious couples on this earth, and I am thankful for a husband who feels just slightly better tonight. We love you both.
Hope you had a fun date night with Rusty. We'll be praying for you tomorrow ~ hopeful and confident that the Lord has you in His hands!
I am thankful for my paycheck today! and for Jackson's easy bedtime ritual. I am thankful for getting to eat dinner with my husband! I am thankful for a wonderful sister-in - law who inspires me to be a better person EVERYDAY! May the Lord hold you tight and guide the hands of the doctor! I LOVE YOU! and yes I am too thankful for american idol!!!!!!!
Hi Jennifer! Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you today.
Hey guys! I've been keeping up with your blog and various life adventures over the past couple weeks and thought it was time to leave a comment since I'm starting to feel like a secret stalker. I love that you are blogging this whole journey. Makes me feel more connected to my oh so distant cousins. :) Just wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you a lot and it's encouraging to see you so positive and supportive of one another. I look forward to hearing how things continue to develop. Hope today went well.
You're in my prayers this morning for the transfere. I hope to get to meet you tomarrow night if you get to go:)
Melanie just gave me an update on Jenni as she is traveling to Humble for her visit with you. Just want you to know how fervently I will be praying for the two of you and the babies.
Elaine White
Absolutely with you it agree. In it something is also to me it seems it is excellent idea. I agree with you.
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