Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I've been tagged

Back by popular demand... I had my feelings hurt by the comment that I post too much and boycotted posting for a while. But, I have had many requests for new posts, so I am back. Just bear with my "serial blogging."

I got tagged by Erica, so here are 7 things that you might not know about me:

  • I am deathly afraid of birds. Anything with a beak completely freaks me out. Small birds are bad because they can peck you to death. Penguins are the worst- they are like little people with gigantic beaks! Scary! I haven't always been afraid of them. When I was in college, I parked under a daddy bird's tree where he was protecting his nest. He did not take kindly to my intrusion and decided to repeatedly swoop down and peck me on the neck. Every since then, I have been scared to death. I promise you that birds can smell my fear and plot to attack me.

  • I hate seafood. Anything that comes out of the ocean disgusts me. I even have a hard time eating in a seafood restaurant because of the smell. But, I married a man that loves seafood, so you will sometimes find me in a Pappadeaux, eating the one grilled chicken dish on the menu. The things we do for love.
  • I wish that I was a good cook. I try and try, but I am just not good. I have a few dishes that I can make alright, but I am definitely no Martha Stewart. It just doesn't come naturally to me. I also wish I was crafty, but that isn't happening either.
  • I have a widow's peak and I hate it. Everyone tells me that it is a sign of beauty, but when I pull my hair up into a ponytail, I think I look like Eddie Munster.
  • Crowds make me panic. Going to the grocery store or Target on a weekend makes me so anxious! People block the aisles, walk slow in front of me, have screaming children and it makes me crazy. I have literally had to leave a full basket and walk out of the store before. I am always begging Rusty to go with me for moral support. Somehow, I feel better with him there. But then I usually get more frustrated because I feel rushed when I know that he is bored. I just try to get all of my errands done during the week, when the stores aren't so crowded. Similarly, I have major road rage. Patience is a virtue that I am still working on.
  • My current favorites on tv are Lost, ER, American Idol, The Hills, Beauty and the Geek. I also secretly like Wife Swap, but Rusty said that I lose brain cells when I watch it, so I have to do that in secret.
  • I have major crushes on Will Smith and Lenny Kravitz. My poor husband is well aware of both and tolerates me. I think it bothers him that they could not be any more different than he is though. He can't say too much, however, because he has a thing for Scarlett Johansen. Last time I checked, I don't look anything like her! (This is a picture that I took with my phone at his concert. After his performance, they moved us up to the stage for Aerosmith's performance. That was great, but I would have rather been able to reach Lenny's ankles, than Steven Tyler's.)
  • Rusty pointed out that I miscounted and only had 6 facts, so he suggested my 7th. My Senior year, I realized that I was not going to have many things listed behind my name in the yearbook and wanted some more activities. So, I ran for President of the Mu Alpha Theta (math club) and promised donuts every meeting, if they voted for me. I won and we never had a meeting the rest of the year! I was awarded the Mu Alpha Theta scholarship when I graduated and then failed college algebra (on a math scholarship!) Math is not my thing! (After writing this, I realized that I did have 7, but my bullets got messed up and two were combined. I can count after all! Oh well, I guess you are just getting a bonus fact!)

Ok, so now I am supposed to tag others. I kind of feel bad about doing it though, like I am forwarding one of those cheesy emails. However, I am a rule follower, so I am going to tag:

If you decide to participate, here are the rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share seven facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


kyle said...

I knew you couldn't go too long without blogging. It's your drug. That's like going cold turkey.

Erica said...

Yeah! I'm so glad that you played along. It was fun to get to know you a little better. Your bird story is really scary...

Anonymous said...

Ok, I will add an ironic #7 since you only posted SIX interesting facts.
1. Birds.
2. Seafood.
3. Widow's peak.
4. Crowds.
5. TV shows.
6. Unhealthy crushes.
7. Your were voted President of the Math Club in high school after you promised all of the math nerds that you would bring donuts to all of the meetings.

Your loving husband :)


I enjoyed reading your new post! :) I've always hated birds as well, although I don't mind penguins--and I am TOTALLY with you on the crowd thing!!! :)

Unknown said...

FUNNY I knew all those things except the Mu Alpha Theta thing! That is hilarious! LOVE YOU!

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

Jenni - I've always LOVED your "widow's peak"!! (where in the world did that name come from??) And Amy Grant has one and Robin thinks that she is the most beautiful woman alive - well, next to me of course!! ha! And I love reading your blog (Ashley just tuned me in!)
Mammy Marler