Friday, June 27, 2008

Sad, Sad Day...

Today, I am mourning the loss of a great friend....
Just like every morning, I sat down this morning with my breakfast and my precious Mac Book to check my email and blogland. That's when I learned that my Mac was dead!!!!

If it were not for a sister in law that is crazy enough to brave "Black Friday" and convincing enough to make me go with her (and stand in line at Target at 4am, in the freeezing cold, for an hour) to purchase an external hard drive that was a bargain. And for an amazing friend Melanie, that warned me to copy my iphoto to that external hard drive, I would be hysterical right now. I am a freak about my pictures and would be heartbroken if they were lost!

Instead, I am just urked that now I have to spend my weekend with the folks at the Apple store and probably have to pay an arm and a leg to fix it!
Lesson learned...always have back-ups of anything important. Even the mosted trusted friend can let you down.


Erica said...

Oh, that's terrible! I am so sorry that you are having to deal with that this weekend. I'm glad your pictures are safe, though.

I'm anxiously awaiting Sunday! :)

Tara Powell said...

I just told Matt the other day the we needed to get an external hard drive....thanks for the reminder!

Cindy Seay said...

My Mac is my good friend also. I have lost one in the past and I feel your pain.

Jen said...

This is the jolt I needed to back up my Mac. I would be so sad if she ever got sick :(

I'm glad to hear that the Mac is all better!