A week without posting...You must all be very bored with me by now.
We made it home this afternoon and although we had a wonderful week, we couldn't be happier to be in our own home again.
We went fishing
Look at how differently we "lay out"
Thankfully, they were not nearly as dramatic as last week's.
We had a day without air-conditioning after getting my oil changed at the local Wal-mart. After arguing that it was their fault and scheduling an appointment at the Chevy dealership, it magically started working again. We still don't know what happened, but are thankful that we did not have to drive home with no AC.
We had a very narrow driveway and a family member got stuck in the sand and had to be towed out. So, I learned from their mistake, right? Nope.
Thanks to some great neighbors (who were Aggies, of course!) I got out without having to call a tow truck.
Welcome back! I missed you! Sounds like you had a great vacation. All the pictures are great! I'm sorry for all the car trouble - some people say that bad things come in three's, so maybe you're done now!
Have a wonderful week! Let's get together again soon - it's been too long!
Glad you're back! The pics look so fun!
We are glad you are back! We kept watching for posts while you were away. Can't wait to hear more about the trip! I love the picture of you and Rusty 'laying' out...truly a classic pic!
What a fun trip!! The beach looks so wonderful! I think the pic of you enjoying the sunlight while Rusty is covered up with towels is funny...Eric and I would probably look the same (he doesn't enjoy laying out..ugh!). Glad that you are back!
Jennifer, I am not sure if you remember us from NWC, but we were in there at the same time (my husband is Tae) and I found your blog through Kim and Eric's. I just wanted you to know that I love your blog and find that you are so encouraging. Thanks,
Ashley Park
Gotta love Aggies who help a sister out! Your laying out pic is just hilarious! Glad you had a great time!
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