Monday, November 17, 2008

Good news and Bad news

I just got back from my dr.'s appointment and I got some good news and some bad news...

The good news is that since my last appointment, lots of new follicles have formed!
The bad news is that since they are still new, they are too immature to be retrieved yet.

I have two good mature (big) eggs that are ready to be retrieved, but about 7-8 that are not quite there yet. So, I will keep on with the medications. We will probably lose the two that are ready (because they will be POST mature by the time the others are ready), but it is better to sacrifice 2 to gain 7.

So, now it looks like my retrieval will not be until Thursday or maybe even Friday! I will go back tomorrow morning for more bloodwork and another ultrasound and hopefully we will be able to get it scheduled.

The timing of each step is SO vital and I am praying for wisdom for each of the nurses and doctors that are making this call. One more factor is consider is that if we wait too long, my transfer will not be until next Wednesday or Thursday. This is the most intricate part of the procedure and I really want MY doctor to be the one to do it, but He is leaving town for Thanksgiving. I know that whoever is on call is well qualified, but it just adds even more anxiety to the process if the one that you trust the most, is not there. I am just continuing to pray for God's perfect timing and that He will work out every detail.

Thank you again for each of your thoughts and prayers. Your texts, cards, and emails have meant so much. Each day gets a little bit tougher for me both physically and emotionally, but your encouragement has helped so much!


Aaron & Stephanie said...

Well 7 is really great news! We will pray that you get the retrieval done before Thanksgiving and that it is very successful :)

The Parks said...

Please know that we are praying for you guys!

laura said...

I will pray for God's perfect timing this week. The wait is so hard--I will continue to ask for peace and joy in the midst of the process! I am encouraged that God already knows exactly what is going to happen and when...He will continue to walk you through this, and I pray you will have an overwhelming sense of His presence during this time!

Erica said...

Oh, Jenni, you have been on my mind and in my heart the past couple of weeks (even if I have been terrible at commenting!). I love you and am asking God to protect you and all of your little eggs! I am also praying for wisdom for your doctor and his team.

Stay strong! Remember that the Lord's got this under His loving control. I am believing and trusting that He will provide you all you need in the days to come.


Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

I was about to call you but thought I would check your blog. I feel lots of hope but can only imagine how hard it is to wait!!! Continuing to pray pray!!!