Thursday, November 6, 2008

Is anything too hard for the Lord?

It never ceases to amaze me how God puts the right person, the right song, or the right words in your path at the specific time that you need them. There have been so many times that I have been driving in my car, crying out to God and that perfect song comes on to remind me of His presence. Or, that I have sat in a sanctuary filled with thousands of people and yet felt like I was the only one in the room- that the speaker was speaking directly to me. I have a friend that has committed to memorize scripture and asked me to hold her accountable (really just because I was the one sitting next to her at the retreat when she made this commitment.) But, I can tell you that every scripture that she quotes to me is one that I desperately needed that day! I have been so blessed by her, just because I was sitting in the right seat!

As a church, we are studying Streams in the Desert as a daily devotional. On a day that I am so afraid and needed to hear this word, this is the entry that I was given this morning. It is not a fertility devotional and yet, of all the examples that could be used today, it is Abraham and Sarah and God's provision for them in a child. It was a reminder that I needed today and wanted to pass along for any of you that might need to be reminded today as well.

"Is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Genesis 18:4)
This is God's loving challenge to you and me each day. He wants us to think of the deepest, highest, and worthiest desires and longings of our heart. He wants us to think of those things that perhaps were desires for us or someone dear to us, yet have gone unfulfilled for so long, that we now see them as simply lost desires. And God urges us to think of even the one thing that we once saw possible, but have given up all hope of seeing fulfilled in this life.
That very thing, as long as it aligns with what we know to be his expressed will- as a son was to Abraham and Sarah- God intends to do for us. Yes, if we will let Him, God will do that very thing, even if we know that it is such an impossibility that we would simply laugh at the absurdity of anyone suggesting that it would ever come to pass.
"Is anything too hard for the Lord?" No, nothing is too difficult when we believe in Him enough to go forward, doing His will and letting Him do the impossible for us. Even Abraham and Sarah could not have blocked God's plan if they had continued to disbelieve.
The only thing "too hard for the Lord" is our deliberate and continual disbelief in His love and power and in our ultimate rejection of His plan for us. Nothing is impossible for Jehovah to do for those who trust Him."

That doesn't mean that He will make this IVF successful. He has the power to, but is it His will? Is that His plan for me or does He have something else, something even better in store for me? Each day, I pray that He reveals His will for us and I believe that this step is one that He has given me, but I certainly don't know where it will take me. All I can do is believe in Him enough to go forward, walking in His will and let Him do the impossible for me!


Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

I am studying Genesis and we just studied this part and I have thought about you and prayed for you all week!

laura said...

I praise God for His words to us! I have been in Exodus this year and love the part where Moses says to the Israelites (as they worry) "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." (Ex 14:14). What a blessing to know that even in the midst of the unknowns He is fighting for us, and nothing is impossible for Him. Thank you, God, for giving us the example of Abraham and Sarah!

Thank you for sharing your faith with us! I so needed that reminder today. Praying for you!

Kyle and Melanie White said...

It is neat to see the many ways God is revealing Himself to you. I can hardly wait to know what His plans are for your family. I admire your faith and am praying for you each day. As always, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I know that I am late on this response but wanted to leave a comment. I pray in thanksgiving to the Lord for your continued faith in Him. You don't realize but you are helping all of us to become faithful believers in our walk to be with Christ for eternity. You are an angel in my eyes and always will. Love you!