Since we didn't have such a great experience last time we went out on the boat, we decided to head back to Orange this weekend and try again. The Woolleys went out on it this week to test out the new steering and it ran perfectly.
So, again we loaded everyone up and hit the water. The afternoon started out wonderfully. The boat was running great and the weather was beautiful. We cruised around on the water and I started getting pretty fond of our little investment. I was envisioning little projects that I could do to help spruce it up aesthetically, but happy overall with the great deal that we got.
We found a little cove to fish in and parked. There weren't a lot of fish, but we each had some action.
We decided to move over just a bit and try deeper water. That is when the real fun began. The boat wouldn't crank. Nothing. The battery had plenty of juice, but there was some sort of electrical problem and the engine wouldn't turn over at all.
We had stopped to buy some bait earlier at a local marina and noticed a Coast Guard boat. So, we called the marina and asked if the boat was still there. Of course, it wasn't. But, the sweet lady that answered the phone called the Coast Guard for us and gave them our number. When they called back, we learned that they would have to put a boat in the water over an hour away to come get us. Rusty told them not to bother, that we would find help. So, we called everyone we knew that might be able to come help. No one was available.
At least 10 boats drove right by us without even stopping. We waved our arms and sounded our air horn, but they just kept driving.
By this time, it's getting dark. The horseflies and mosquitos are coming out and the alligators are out for dinner. Not the baby alligators... I am talking the 8-10 foot papa alligators.
We had been on the boat for several hours and had a cooler full of diet coke and water. Let's just say, the girls really needed a break. We weren't wearing swim suits, but even if we were, I don't think you could have gotten me into the water with those gators.The wind was blowing in the direction that we need to go, so we (and by we, I won't mention any names, but I am referring to the non-females on the vessel) decide to untie the boat and start drifting that way, praying for someone to stop and give us a tow.
Papa Woolley starts to paddle from the front of the boat.
I am very proud of my idea to use the top as a sail to help push us along:
(My sweet man, appeasing me by letting me take pictures of our ordeal. How else do you expect me to cope with the stress? I should at least be able to blog about it!)
And then the Coast Guard called to check on us. They told us that they had put a boat in the water anyway. They couldn't turn back unless they knew that we were safe. They should be there soon!
It was a happy moment when we saw the blue lights in the distance!
Trying to make my husband smile as we relaxed on our tow ride back:
I am sure that it is some minor electrical short that will be easily fixed, but I think that my fondness for our old boat has quickly faded.
After church today, we headed straight to the boat show.
Those alligators look scary.
Wow! I am thinking you deserve a yacht after that ordeal. :)
Our best and worst memories with the kids were on our boat. David says "the two best days of your life are the day you buy your boat and the day you sell your boat."
I think I am agreeing with Elaine!!!
Glad you made it back before dark...and that you didn't have to swim to shore! :)
This is hilarious. I'm curious as to what you did about the peeing situation.
Scary alligators! WOW!
Hope you got the boat all fixed up!
Ummm...that's scary! We once rescued two men of questionable character from a similar circumstance in Lake was 10pm, pitch black, and there were no other boats around...I told Aaron not to stop...I was voted down and we towed them to shore anyway.I guess it was the right thing to do, but I rather thought it was a frightful situation. I'm glad y'all didn't get stuck out there that long! But if you had, we would have been more likely to rescue a boat full of sensible looking adults rather than the shady characters we saw in Lake Charles:) Good luck with your boat repairs!
By the way, this is Stephanie... I forgot to log Aaron out!
Now that you are safe and sound, that is a very funny story. Can't wait to hear Rusty telling Justin about it. Glad you guys made it home :-)
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