Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I should win an award

an award for being the worst blogger ever.

I have completely fallen out of the blog world- haven't even hardly read blogs for a while, much less actually take the time to comment on them.  In the process, I am sure that I have lost most of my blog readers.

And now Bloglines is closing and I am going to lose all my links- so I am SERIOUSLY going to have a hard time then.  (suggestions?)

Also, to be completely honest... I am a little afraid of posting anymore. The burglars got my computer and accessed the cookies to get my credit card information, so does that mean they are reading my blog that is bookmarked, too? I am sure that they don't really care about the goings-on of our life, but I still don't want them to know any more about me than they already do. 

So, for that and a few other reasons, I am thinking about shutting down this blog completely. 

And yet, God is moving in our lives and we have news to share. I want to continue to document our journey for myself, for Holland and for the child that God will someday bless us with. 

So here is the plan...
I am going to delete this blog completely.

Though it has been a blessing to me in many ways, it has also been a source of hurt at times. I know that there are people reading that I certainly never expected to. While the majority of readers love us and support us in ways that we could never expect, there is a small portion of people that have used the feelings that I have shared to hurt me. So, I will have it printed for my own keeping, but then will take it down.

And then I am going to start a new blog for a new chapter in our lives.  Curious enough about what that is to want to follow me to the new blog?

If so, please send me an email ( or comment on this post. I am going to make the new blog private, so I will need to send you an invite to read it. I know that is a pain and I often slack in reading my friends' private blogs, because of that extra step it takes to sign in. But I just don't feel like I have any other choice.  Leave me the email address that you use to sign in for private blogs. And if you are a blogger, will you please leave your link? I am going to have to set up some other list, once my Blogger is gone and I want to make sure that you are on it. 


Never Enough Food said...

I've got to keep following you :)

Jaclyn said...

please add me to your list!!!

i am still praying for you and rusty, and can't wait to see your story unfold!!

Lindsay said...

add me too!! I also use Google Reader to follow all my blogs and I really like it.

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

count me in!

The Parks said...

I'd love to read the new blog! :)

Callie said...

you better include me!! Can't wait to hear about your new journey!

Anonymous said...

Add me too!

Cassandra said...

Okay, I know we only know each other from my short time there in July, but I would LOVE to continue following your lives! (BTW, I should be heading back down to Houston in June...just let me know how far in advance I can book a room at the Woolley House!) =)

Blogs: AND

Troy said...

add me to your list. Rachel too. and

our blog is

Albus Adventures said...

I'd like to continue following your story especially since we are in different Sunday School classes now. I know I never commented before, but we have a blog too. I use

Lainey-Paney said...

I'm so sorry that someone would EVER use this forum to hurt you.

I will definitely be praying for you guys.

Ideas for the printing: I've heard of someone using 'Blog To Print'... ? I dunno. Google it.

Feeds: Everyone told me to go to GoogleReader.
{I still haven't done it yet....but I intend to....}

Lainey-Paney said...

I would love to read the new blog when you're up & running...

shelby said...

I love to hear about your life since I don't stop in to see you anymore! love ya jen!

shelby said...

duh- I forgot to leave this:

Sharon said...

Please invite me to your blog. I love you, Jenni Woolley. You are so precious to me.

Chase and Laura Bowers said...

Would love to be able to follow and keep up with you guys!
readyrev at gmail dot com

Misty Straley said...

Hi Jenni,
It is me Misty Straley (Gilbert) from high school. I found your blog through Ashley McWhorter's blog. I've been reading for a while and would still like to keep up. :) I have a blog too.

Misty Straley said...

oh...that gmail address is just used for blog sign in...
my other that I actually check is:

Elaine said...

I love to observe how God works in the lives of his children--count me in.

Kris and Ashley said...

If you have room for us, Kris and I would love to be included in your new journey. We will never stop praying and are always a few steps away if you ever need us!

P.S. Kris asked if you were talking about him in the blog. He said, "do you think she is upset that I read it?" I thought that was funnny! He really enjoys it by the way!

Christy said...

I've been on that TTC rollercoaster myself and God has really worked in my life and blessed me with one donor baby and another on the way.. I just love to observe how he works in the lives of his children--so please count me in.


kristyo15 said...

Never commented but have followed your story. I think we have common friends.

My e-mail is:

Erica said...

please add me to your list!!

Rachel said...

Please add us to your list :)

Ashley McWhorter said...

Would love to keep reading. Although, you probably already knew that. :) Love you, friend!

schandler said...

Jodi Holland said...

Please add me to your blog! xoxo

The Riley Family said...

I will be heart broken if you leave me out :-)

Ky said...

Would love to keep up.

Kristen and Andy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katie said...

Add me!!! Love you guys-so good to see you recently.

We are

Connie said...

I've been stalking your blog for a while. I love reading about you, your life and all you have to share. Don't know if you remember me, but I'm Vanessa & Sara's mom. Plese add me to your list! Can't wait to read about your new venture in life.
Connie McCain

Linda said...

You know I want to be included on new blog. Love you both.

Bee said...

We have never met, but we have mutual friends. I have followed your story for a while now and would love to continue following your journey! Praying for you!!!

Kimberly D. said...

Count me in too... I e-mailed you my address. My new blog address has Kate(lyn)'s name added to it.

Whitney said...

We have never met but I stumbled across your blog about a year ago through a mutual friend and have followed your journey since then. I know this sounds strange but I would still like to follow your journey into the next stage. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Although we only met one time (I'm Kim Moore's friend that was in nursing school who you gave a tour when you were working in L&D.), I would love to keep reading. I know God has great things in store for you!
Ashley Lee

Mindy said...

Me, me!

Courtney said...

I really enjoy reading your blog and would love to continue reading "the new chapter."

You are such a strong person and I know amazing things are coming your way!

Also, I have a blog if you would like to read :)

77apronstrings said...

Add me! I love reading about your tremendous faith when facing adversity.

johnsons10316 at gmail dot com

link to my blog:

Lauren said...

I would love to continue to read! You are anmazing woman of great faith!

aggieriedels said...

Don't leave me out. :)

Cheryl Kay said...

I'd love to continue to keep up with you and Rusty thru your blog.

Samantha said...

Would love to have the link to your new blog!!! Many thoughts and prayers are still with you, I know God has many amazing and wonderful things in-store for you and Rusty!!! We Love y'all...

Samantha said...

Oh, our blog page is:

I have not been a very good blogger lately either, I really need to re-do the whole thing...

Anonymous said...

add me

Anonymous said...

I want to keep following your blog, please add me to your list. :)

Missy Young Singleton

Suzanne said...

I have never commented and I am not sure how I even stumbled upon your blog but I would love to keep reading and hear your news. I was adopted as an infant and your story has completely captivated me! If that is creepy I totally understand :) I have a blog but it is private (so I understand the not wanting to put eveything out there for strangers), I can invite you if that makes you more comfortable. If not, I wish you and your family the best and I will continue to pray for you!


Theresamig said...

Me too

mereburk said...

I have been following your blog for a few years through Shana Alberts blog. I would love to continue -
We've been through infertility and adoption, so I have felt a link to you

Robert Bartlett said...

We definitely would like to follow you and your new blog. We hope to see all of you again, soon!

We love you,
Jennifer and Robert

Teal said...

I want in:):):)

Olivia said...

I'm excited to keep following what God is doing in your life!!

I just do the carepages thing for Joshua!

Anonymous said...

Please add me! I will set up an account if I need to! I still pray for you and think of you often. Plus, you're coopers first girlfriend and we want to know how god is using you in others lives and what great things he has in store for your family! Thanks! Dana

Jocelyn said...

oh, yes please!
i cannot wait to read what the news is and how this incredible journey God has led you on will continue!

laura said...

Please include me friend! We are all so blessed by your honesty and genuine walk with the Lord...

Anonymous said...

Add me to your blog:)

Love you!!

The Hemphills said...

add me to that list!

Tara Powell said...

so, by the fact that I am responding to this post from October and it's December tells you I have been a REALLY bad blogger! I would love to keep up with you in blog world. I love reading your posts! You are often on my mind and I pray that this next chapter in your life is amazing!
(hopefully I will update that thing again someday! :) )

Sara said...

I think I sent you an email back in October, but still haven't been added, so maybe it got lost in the other hundreds of requests you have! Or maybe you just don't like me. But if that's the case, you're just gonna have to get over it and add me! :) :)

Cheri said... Kyle White's cousin's wife... I'm a follower :)

Misty said...

I would like to follow Jen....

Davis said...

Hi Jenni, It is me Misty Straley (Gilbert) from high school. I found your blog through Ashley McWhorter's blog. I've been reading for a while and would still like to keep up. :) I have a blog too.