Thursday, May 22, 2008

Aggie Baby

My friend Melanie had her 20 week ultrasound done a few weeks ago, but her doctor was not able to tell her the sex of the baby for sure. He told her that he thought it was a girl, but to "keep her receipts for anything pink!" Well, that is not reassuring enough to register and plan showers! So, she came to visit this week so that my doctor (and very dear friend), Dr. Moore could scan her on his 3d/4d machine. Kyle was not able to come with her, but Melanie's mom, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and niece all came and we had a girl's lunch before the appointment. Then, we headed off with the grandmas to see "Baby White."
The grandmas got their own screen, so they could see her up close.
The scan went great. She is for sure a girl and looks very healthy!
Dr. Moore was able to get some great pictures of her and make Melanie a dvd the ultrasound. This was the best shot though:For all of you non ultrasound readers,
this is the baby giving a "gig 'em!" He said, "this baby is an Aggie!" and I was so proud! :)
Melanie is an Aggie by marriage, so she was happy too!

Thanks again for doing this for us, Dr. Moore! (We only had to bribe him with a chocolate pie- his favorite!) And thanks for letting me be a part of this special day, Melanie! I had a great time and love your little girl so much already! I cannot wait to spoil her rotten!


Kyle and Melanie White said...

I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you arranging the ultrasound for me. I'm glad to know for sure she is a "she", but most of all I enjoyed getting to see her again.
You're the best!

Elaine said...

Jenni--I, too, would like to thank you for such an incredible experience. It never ceases to amaze and delight me to meet these little angels before they ever come out into the world. I can't wait to kiss, rock, and snuggle this newest princess.

Anonymous said...

Jenni, thank you for arranging the ultrasound for Melanie. It was wonderful to see the baby again. Please thank Dr. Moore again for me.
It was such fun to see you, Jenni. I hope to see you again soon.

Erica said...

What a blessing to be a part of this special memory/moment for your friend! PRAISE GOD for Dr. Moore's willingness to do this!