Thursday, July 3, 2008

Who's reading?

As an admitted "stalker" of blogs, I am curious to see who is reading ours. About 10 of you comment consistently, but we have 100 hits a day on the counter. There have to be more of you out there.
So, answer the poll to the right and let me know who's reading. You don't have to give your name, so I will never know who you are.
I do love getting comments and judge my daily self worth on how many people are commenting on my blog(just kidding, kind of). So, after you answer the poll, if you are willing to reveal yourself, leave me a comment, too!
You never know, I might be stalking your blog too!

Oh, and some of you have told me that you read, but don't know how to comment. There is just no excuse for that. Simply leave a comment as 'anonymous' and then type your name at the end of the note. (This means you too, Mrs. Linda!)


Erica said...

Ooh, how fun! I can't wait to hear how this goes.

Have a wonderful LONG weekend!

P.S. I got great joy out of being able to select the "friend" option in your poll! :)

Erica said...

Hi Jennifer! I am an admitted stalker of your blog. :) I found your blog through Erica & Colin's blog, who I found through the Boudreaux's blog (who I actually know). I am also a fellow Aggie...

Elaine said...

You know that I keep up with you and keep you in my prayers.

Sharon said...

You are just too clever!!

Kendra said...

I actually look at yours often through Stephanie Smith's blog. I like to click on her friends to look at others blogs!

The Goods said...

hahaha...I need to do this on my own blog...I'm keeping count and all these people are looking with no comments..craziness..or scary??

So do I get to move from a blogfriend to a real friend any day?

Jaclyn said...

love you and your blog!!!

Kim and Eric said...

Love reading your blog and keeping up with you! Hope that you are having a good week...the pics that you took of Mia's were great! Happy 4th! Kim

Anonymous said...

Rusty you better watch out, I hear Heath is searching for some honey buns. I'm gonna give him a link to your blog. You better lock your food up

P.S. Hope you guys are doing well, and Kate and I enjoy reading your blog.

I hope you are getting geared up for Aggie football, I am counting down the days! SEE YA ON TEXAGS!

Jen said...

I have commented before. I googled TexAgs and it lead me here. I'm so glad it did, this blog is way better than Texags!

I'm sure I'll be commenting even more since it is getting close to football season! I mean this has to be the Aggies year, right?

I'm keeping you in my prayers!


You are too funny! I check your blog every other day--okay, maybe a couple times a day! :)


Hart Rutherford said...

Uncle Hart is a regular reader, too! See you at the beach!

John and Joanna said...

Hi Jennifer! I will admit tha i am a "stalker"! :) I found your blog through Erica and Colins!! I am from Texas and know Jaclyn, Jen and Erica... from Cypress Bible!!

Anyways! I love reading your blog! And my husband is an Aggie so... i love that about you too :) WHOOP!!!

Happy 4th almost!!!

Court said...

Very fun....I might do the same, as I have many hits too...and not very many comments :( It's been great to see what the Lord is doing. I know that I can say, I remember you WAY back when...:)

Anonymous said...

I am always checking for updates. Several times a day so I can probably account for half of those hits!!! LOL.

Callie said...

Hey Girl! I totally stalk your blog...although I actually do know you, so does that make me a stalker? Probably! Oh well :). It's fun to get updates on you...I will be better about leaving more coments so that you know it's me!!

Tara Powell said...

Hey! I love reading your blog. I too have become a blog stalker of all my friends blogs. I check almost daily. It's just too easy to go down the list and see what everyone is up to!

Aaron & Stephanie said...

I'm so sorry I don't comment often! I can barely get through the reading blog entry before some catastrophe happens with Caleb (for example, he just dumped a huge box of craft things on his poor head!) I do check everyday though and appreciate the frequent entries :)

Chris & April said...

We discovered your blog from Kyle and Melanie's. We've met you twice. So does that make us stalkers, blogfriends, or other?

kyle said...

Ok! OK!! I blog-stalk you.

Kyle and Melanie White said...

You know I'm a regular on your site. :) It looks like you have quite a following!

Katie said...

I found your blog through Kim's (One Moore Day) and I know some of the others on your blog roll. It truly is a small world!


Unknown said...

I'm reading!!! Hope you are having a great long weekend!

Ashley McWhorter said...

HELLLLLOOOOO!!!!!!!! I read!!!! :)

Marlers said...

Yo, Yo!! I am an avid stalker!!! :))))


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I'm a friend of Sharon and Tommy's, and we have met at church. Rusty will be able to explain who I am, I think. I've been reading your blog so that I could pray efficiently for you, and because I have a teaching partner who is going through the same situation as you are. You are ahead of her in the process, so I have been able to share with her what you are doing or how you are feeling. One thing I always share with Amanda is that your faith radiates even through your tears. We will continue to pray for God's timing and his mercy to get you through that wait. Your blog is a real witness to your love and commitment to our heavenly Father.
Cheryl P. (John's mom)

The Peterson's said...

This is a great idea you had...even though brian knows you and I don't, I still blog stalk daily- it's become a new obsession. Tara got it right when she said it's just too easy to g o down the list...

Anonymous said...

I check it daily-unless I am on vacation!

Anonymous said...


With our busy schedules, enjoy reading and catching up with what's been going on in your life if we haven't talked.

Love you,

77apronstrings said...

I'm definitely a stalker/lurker. I think you're a hoot! It's brave of you to ask who reads your blog. I would be afraid to ask for fear that no one would comment, or some random guy in Poughkeepsie might suggest that it would be best that I not even bother keeping a blog. Alas, I keep reading...and stalking...

ClintandGina said...

I am a regulary Woolley blog checker...I love your posts!

Jocelyn said...

I too am another blog "stalker". I found you under Courtney's "other baby journeys" link. You actually seem to know a few people that I do- mainly from Tomall Bible Church which is the home church I grew up in. Anyways- I have been following your baby journey as I am now also on a journey of adoption by fostering 2 amazing babies right now. I am always interested in other people's journey to become parents as my journey led me took me somewhere I never could have imagined. It was filled with heartbreak and really tough decisions, but has led me to the most amazing time in my life. I have been praying for you and your husband and am so glad that you have met some people, like Erica (who I actually went to high school with) to connect with and find support as you are on this journey. So, that's me! Thank you for allowing me and many others to share this time with you and be able to pray and lift you and your husband up in prayer.

Anonymous said...

I had to stop here and let you know I started at the beginning and have read your whole blog. I too am a blog stalker and am THRILLED I found your blog through Tara. I love your honesty about the infertility process. It is a hard battle we also struggled with.
Jill (McHenry) Haywood