I know it's crazy, but I am as proud of these pictures as a mom is at her first ultrasound, when she sees the heartbeat. How cool is it that my babies will have pictures, in their baby books, of them as embryos?

On a very sad note, I found out this morning that one of my friends and co-workers was found dead. She was on vacation with her family and her husband found her in the shower. She was a dear, sweet woman who has been such an encouragement and blessing to me through this entire IVF process. She and her husband had walked this fertility road recently. She leaves behind many patients, friends, her husband and 2 year old twins who were the joy of her life. Please pray for this family. I am so broken hearted for them today.
Every day is a precious gift from the Lord. Enjoy each day and each blessing as it comes, for we have no idea what God has planned for us tomorrow.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Amazing pictures!
What an amazing look at the beginning of life! It brings to mind what the Lord said in Jeremiah 1:5..."Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." When will you find out if these little ones "grab on for the ride?"
I am also mourning for the loss of our coworker and friend this morning. Just another reason to appreciate each day as if it is your last.
You again are in my thoughts constantly. Hope you're not getting too bored in the bed!
Debbie DePaul
Those pictures are a treasure, Jenni.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.
They're beautiful! Each one a precious miracle. I am so happy for you, and so proud of you for overcoming any anxiety with an attitude of gratitude for each blessing.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I will pray for her family.
What an incredible process you're going through! Thank you for sharing all of your updates - praying for you, girl!
I will pray for your friend and family. I hope that you are feeling well. I love the pictures. They are just proof of God's amazing miracles that He performs. xo, Kim and Robert
Wanted to say Congratulation. I will pray for you and your little ones. Can't wait to see you.
Kimberly Clack
I think the one on the right looks like you!
I am just shocked and saddend over the loss of someone so young and vibrant. ~Victoria
Wow! How amazing! I know you wont remember me. I went to HNW at the same time you did. My parents taught in the youth group there. the Walton's in case you remember them.
I have been reading your blog and following your story. I am so excited for you and your husband. What a blessing. I will be praying for yall!
Lesly Kepler
I love the pictures! We will pray will you for all three precious lives...can't wait to see what God is going to do!
So sorry to hear about your friend. We will be praying for them this week.
Those pictures are just precious! I am praying for all 3! And so sad to hear about your friend. I am praying for her family.
Those are the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. To see God's perfect work even before the 1st heartbeat is amazing. Thank you for sharing them with us. I will continue to pray for each one of them and for you. We know that God has a wonderful plan for each of them.
My heart has been in such deep sadness all day for Leslie and her family. She was such a joy to all of us and will truly be missed. I cannot imagine going to work and not seeing her smiling face. I know her death is not in vain and will glorify God.
Melanie kept me posted on your progress during our "deer lease" vacation. I am so happy for you and Rusty. I will continue to pray for your babies and that your body handles everything well.
Melanie kept me posted on your progress during our "deer lease" vacation. I will continue prayers for your precious babies and that your body handles everything well.
What an amazing miracle!! I have never seen anything like it! How amazing! I have been checking on you everyday anxious to hear how things are going! I know that this is His plan! You and Rusty will be blessed!!
I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I had actually heard from another friend, because she was her OB. She is devestated! I am so sorry for this family.
Those pictures are so cool! AWESOME! I hope you are resting and feeling okay! love you!!!
I forgot to tell you how sorry I am about your coworker! That is just awful life is so precious and you just never know when it is going to be over. I will be praying for her family at this difficult time.
Wow, CONGRATS!! I have been introduced to you a few times...you were my nurse, and my friends nurse also when they delivered their babies.(Dr. Moore is my doctor and you had told me how you met him and how you had gotten into being a L&D nurse) Anyway, I am hoping and praying that these three little babies take...I can't wait to keep up with you. Happy thoughts...good thoughts...i am very excited for you!!
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