Monday, November 24, 2008

I don't know how long it will last...

but for now, I am pregnant with triplets!

I woke up this morning feeling better, so thank you all for your prayers. I am still pretty uncomfortable, but the fluid had decreased enough that I could at least walk into the hospital without anyone really noticing! The doctor said, "Let's just hope that you don't get hyperstimulated like last time!" I told him that I had been pretty uncomfortable, but that it was better today and I would let him know if it got worse. So that is not a total lie! ;) Hey, you do what you got to do for your babies!
Rusty and I were both a nervous wreck this morning. We had to wait (what felt like) forever to hear the status of our embryos. We were convinced that he was going to come in and tell us that they had ceased to divide and that there would be no transfer. But instead, he had the best news possible. All 3 of our embryos had divided to 8 cells (which is exactly where they should be!) Last time, they had only made it to 4 and 6 cells at this point. The dr. seemed much more optimistic this time which was very encouraging!
Rusty was there with me as they wheeled me into the OR. He sat at the head of the bed and held my hand. The doctor got me all prepared and then the embryologist walked into the room with a syringe full of my babies! They used an ultrasound to guide and we watched on the screen as he placed them inside of me. It was no less emotional for me this time than it was the last. What a miracle. I can tell you that the images on that screen were not just cells to me, those are my babies. I will do everything in my power to nurture and grow them.
I am home now, in bed for the next 3 days. I can sit up slightly to eat and I can go to the bathroom, but other than that I am to lay as flat as possible. Thursday will be my first day off bedrest and I can tell you that a shower will be what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving!


Never Enough Food said...

We are so excited for y'all and will be praying for your babies!

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the three new Woolley babies, with all the prayers that we have recived for Emma I know that God works wonders, Emma is proof of that and I beleive in my heart that he will show his amazing work within your little growning family. All our love and prayers.

Josh and Samantha Womack


How exciting! We will be praying for you and the Baby Woolleys. I know that God has good things planned for you. You are such a patient, loving, and faithful servant!

Take care,

P.S. I am totally with you on being thankful for the shower! It seemed like forever before I could shower after my C-section, and once I got in I never wanted to get out! :)

Court said...


I am so excited to hear that you were able to make it this morning, without having to be hospitalized this weekend and that the cells divided as hoped! Thankful for the three little ones growing inside you. Praying for healthy growth and attachment in the days, weeks, and months to come. Hope you can get some rest knowing that the Lord is in control! Take care and do as the dr. ordered :)


The Goods said...

Praise the Lord!!!! I'm so excited to hear about your babies growing inside your tummy...triplets...wouldn't that be SO FUN!!! :)

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

I just got butterflies in my stomach. Oh I hope all three babies grow healthy and strong. Seriously amazing that they were in a syringe, what an awesome story that will always reveal God's glory throughout this process!

Anonymous said...

Hi You can have a little for you and one for Rusty and one for me....I would love to have a little one even at my age..Good luck to each of youy..LaVerne

Anonymous said...

Amazing! So happy for you and your family. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

We are so excited and jumping for joy. God knows what is right and He will nurture and watch over those babies as He does for you and Rusty. We love you guys. We are praying...

love, Kim and Robert

Ronda said...

Congratulations! I know today was a huge moment for you both. I pray that the next two weeks will go quickly and that you will be blessed with good news at that time.

Anonymous said...

What good news, Jenni! I will continue to pray for your growing babies and for your health.

Anonymous said...

Praise JESUS I am so exited for you I can hardly stand it! My prayer has been very simplistic. Please let this work for Jenni this time.....please .......... I love you and have been thinking of you all day! I couldn't wait to log in and find out what had happened! LOVE YOU!

The Whitmarsh Crew said...

Praise God! We are THRILLED about those babies! We will keep praying for them to cling to your womb! Enjoy the bedrest because if God gives you mulitples, you'll be wishing for a day of bedrest once they are here! We love you and take care!

ClintandGina said...

I thought of you many times today and pray that your sweet babies are holding on tight and forming in your womb. Thank you for the updates, as we are so blessed to be your prayer warriors. Gina

Erica said...

PRAISE GOD! I am thrilled for you two! Cherish everyday and every milestone. God is at work, my friend! And when the Lord moves, great things happen.

I am praying for you and your babies. Please keep us posted on your health so we know how to specifically pray. Trust Him - He's still fighting this one for you!

Love ya!

Kim and Eric said...

So excited for y'all! Praying for all of y'all each step of the way.

Anonymous said...

Jen, I have been waiting all day to hear this fabulous news!!!!! I have tears in my eyes envisioning God guiding the Dr. with your babies in their hands. We stand in the gap for all 5 of you and continue to call out for God to place each baby in it's perfect place in your womb. We can't wait for your next post and STAY IN BED!!!


laura said...

Thank you, Lord! I am praising God for a successful transfer! Enjoy these days of rest...I will be praying for your babies to continue to grow, and for God to continue working His miracles in your life!

Jaclyn said...

I was away from my computer all day today but you were never far from my thoughts. I am so, so happy for you and I will continue to pray for your precious babies. They are in God's hands and He loves his children so, so much.
Get your rest and keep us posted!!!!

Kelsey said...

How awesome! Such great news! I am here for you and all the skittles you could possibly need! Love you and praying for you and your babies!

Colwell Family said...

Jenni-I've prayed for you several times since you posted your journey. I pray that God will bless you & Rusty with a sweet miracle.
Tosha (Lechinger) Colwell

Tara Powell said...

I am so glad that everything went as well as it possibly could today! I will continue to pray for comfort for you and for those 3 litte babies inside you right now.

Ashley McWhorter said...

Praying for you and those 3 little loves!!!

Erica and Jamie McMillan said...

How exciting! I've been checking every day waiting to hear your good news! I wish you the best and hope to hear more great news in the upcoming weeks.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about your news!! The hardest part will be staying in that bed for 3 days! You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. May God keep you and those little babies safe in His hands. I hope you feel better too!
Debbie DePaul

The Long's said...

So excited for you and praying for you and Rusty and all the little babies!~Victoria

Cindy Seay said...

All of this is good news!!! I am praying for you and Rusty and those babies. I am also praying that you and God have a great time together these next couple of days. He will never leave you or forsake you!!!!
i love you, cindy

Anonymous said...

Praise God!! I am so excited for you. Every night when I pray with my kids we pray for you, the kids keep asking who you are, so once you are up and around we will have to come see you. I am so happy for you. I really have a good feeling about this one. We will keep praying. Wow, triplets. That would be sooo cool.
Love you,
Angela Hinton

Jasmine said...

Rusty & Jenni,

I like to read your blog and I hadn't read it in a while. My heart went out to you guys as I was reading about your tough journey lately! But PRAISE God for the great news of triplets!! We are SO excited for you guys and we will continue to pray for you, the pregnancy, and Baby Wooleys!! God is good and we're sure He's going to be with you the rest of this journey!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Adam & Jasmine Avants