Monday, December 8, 2008

Final results

I just got the final results and I am not pregnant.

The pain this time is different than after our last round. Last time, I grieved the loss of our babies and was devastated. But, I was hopeful that it just wasn't God's timing.

With this failed round, I grieve for three more babies lost. But with that, is the grief that comes with knowing that I will never have a biological child with my husband. This round showed us that there is probably something genetically abnormal and another round of ivf is not an option for us.

Although some of you know my story, not all of you do. I have alluded to some of it, but want to share a little with you. I don't know why I feel the need to do this today, other than it is somehow cathartic to me to write all of this out.

On February 11th, 1999, I gave birth to the most precious little boy. I named him Holland (my maiden name) Thomas (after my father). Holland was conceived as a product of date rape and I was never in a relationship with his 'father'. Though I desperately wanted to be a part of this baby's life, I knew that I could not give him all that he deserved. As a mother, I wanted the very best for my child- even if that meant that I could not be the one to give it to him. I made the very painful decision to place him for adoption.

I could talk for days about what the past 10 years of my life has been like. There is not one moment of one day that passes that Holland is not on my mind. I love him as much as any mother loves her child. He is my world- even if I don't get to be a part of his. To be a mother and not get to be mommy, is indescribable pain.

The only thought that has gotten me through the last (almost) 11 years of my life is that someday, I would marry my godly husband, have a baby and get to be "mom". Today, I grieve the loss of that dream as well.

I fully understand that DNA does not make a parent. I believe with all of my heart that Holland's parents love him the same way that I do. I don't believe that adoption makes you any less of a parent. Our goal is to be a parent and if adoption is how God chooses to do that, then we want to be open to that.

But, as a birthmom, I hope that you can see why that road is even more difficult for me. I bring different factors to the table than just any other couple. It doesn't make my hurt any deeper than theirs, but it does make it different.

Today's grief makes me grieve for Holland in a whole new way. It tears open the wound that I have spent so many years trying to heal. Having another biological child could never replace Holland, but I always felt that it would be the next step in the healing process.

This may all be rambling and for that I apologize. I just wanted to share one more piece of the story with you, so that you might better understand where I am coming from.

Please continue to pray for Rusty and I. We will have a lot of prayerful decisions to make in our future. We are going to need buckets of wisdom and guidance. But tonight, we are focusing on each other- begging for God to pour his comfort and peace and to protect our marriage. We mourn the loss of three more babies, but know that they are safe in the palm of our Father's hand tonight.


Anonymous said...

There are no words I can give to comfort you for I do not know the pain and grief you are in. My heart aches for the pain you must be experiencing, but selfishly I am inspired to be as faithful to God as you are in this time. We don't know each other well, but I feel like I have gotten to know you through your blog. If ever I can do anything for you guys, please let me know and I'll be there in a flash.

Love, Annette

Anonymous said...

Jennifer and Rusty,

I am so sorry...

Kiki said...

I don't know what to say but that I am crying with you my friend. I'll give you a hug next time I see you.


tonia nicole said...

Know that many hearts break for the two of you today. I'm wrapping you in arms of love from Virginia. I'm so sorry for your loss and anxious for the happy day you two become parents, however that may be.

Anonymous said...

Jenni and Rusty,

I am grieving with you both as well and am praying for God to let us all understand this. I don't know why He chose this path but one day we all will know. I don't know how anyone could get through this without faith. You have already changed many lives by your story and by the way you live your life. You have changed mine. I continue to pray for comfort and peace for you both. Love each other and support each other. Robert and I are here for you both.
Love, Kim and Robert

Never Enough Food said...

I am so sorry but am praying for wisdom for y'all to know what the next step is.

Court said...


I am so sorry to hear the news. I had been thinking about you all day and praying for you - hoping that you'd receive better news today. I know how your heartaches for your babies. May the Lord comfort you as only He can and I am praying that your heart is protected especially in the days to come. Cling on to each other and to the Lord. I was listening to Michael W. Smith's new live CD this morning and thought of you as I listened to his song "Help is on the way". I don't have the cover in front of me, but these are some of the promises the song claims... He's never failed you ~ He's promised He would always be there. He sees your tears. He fights your fears. Hold is on the way. He promises to be there and never forsake you! Stay strong. He knows your heart. He lifts your head. Reach out to Him...He's right there. May you feel His presence more closely and deeply than ever before. Love you guys! Court

ClintandGina said...

Praying for you......crying for you......and so wishing the results had come out different. Thank you for sharing your story......I know God will use it to bless many people. I pray God will give you & Rusty a comfort beyond what we can even imagine.

Jaclyn said...

i don't know what else to say but i am so sorry. May God comfort your broken hearts.....

Erica said...

Jennifer and Rusty - I love you guys and am grieving deeply with you today. Althougth each journey is unique, I too know that the death of this dream cuts you to your very core. Colin and I are committed to continue to pray for you both. We know that although the cycle "medically concluded" today, this is not over for you all. In a way things have started fresh again. It is overwhelming and daunting, I know, but you are not alone in this journey - we are partnered with you in prayer and in love.

Jennifer - I am so proud of you and am truly honored to call you my friend. Your transparency inspires me. I have no doubt that the Lord will honor your boldness and authenticity and that He is using it to strengthen His Kingdom this very day. You are a beautiful, amazing woman and mother.


Ashley McWhorter said...

I am so sorry, Jenni. I know how deeply you wanted this. I am praying for God's love to comfort you and Rusty and this very moment. I love you, sweet friend.

Ronda said...

I am so, so very sorry for your grief and pain. Please know you are being and will continue to be lifted up in prayer.

Mindy said...

Jennifer and Rusty,

It's hard to know what to say. I can't even pretend to know or imagine how you feel right now. I don't know either of you well, but I have already been blessed for knowing you. Jennifer - I was at Girls' Night a few months ago the night you shared this part of your story with us. I cannot tell you how much impact it had on me. Jason and I will pray for you tonight and in the days to come as you grieve your loss. As I ask God to comfort you, I will also thank Him. Thank Him that you know the truth, thank Him that you hold it in your hearts, thank Him that you proclaim it, and thank Him for the testimony you are to all of us. Thank you for sharing your story...we all know this is not the end of it.

Jason and Mindy Vance

Unknown said...

Jenni I am so sorry. I don't know what to say, but I just want you to know that we LOVE you. I know how badly you wanted this. I will keep you and Rusty in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer and Rusty, I'm sooooo sorry bout your lose. May God wrap his arms around you and make you stronger in your journey through all this. My prayers are with you. Keep your head up and be there for each other. I love yall and will be here for you if you need me..

Love Beth Ann

Lainey-Paney said...

I am so sorry.

Lacey said...

Jenni, I am so sorry to hear the news. Please know that you have and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I know God has GREAT things in store for you and your husband.
You told me your story a few years back when I was with a friend in triage. You are an amazing woman of Faith. Hang in there and I hope that with time your heart will heal quickly.

Stacey said...

Dear Jennifer and Rusty,

I am so deeply saddened by this news. My heart aches for you both, literally. I am at a loss for words. I do want you to know what a strong example of Christ I have seen in you both throughout your journey. Jen, in your writings, I am struck by how firm you continue to stand in the Lord. What a witness you have been to me and all of us. I hope you both are able to rest in Jesus arms and feel his comfort and peace as he carries you through this time, especially tonight. Please know you are in Mike and I's prayers. We love you both and are better for having you in our lives. Please, please, let us know if there is anything we could do for you anytime.

Much Love,
Stacey Fransen

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

Sweet Jenni,

My heart breaks for you and Rusty. God has such a big plan for your lives. I continue to pray that He reveals it to you swiftly so that this pain can be somehow lightened. We are praying for you sweet friend!
Love, Robin & Julie Marler

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

I have been praying all day and with tears of heartache, I just wish I understood God's plan for you guys! We talked tonight about how God sometimes chooses to take his babies home sooner than we want and I could tell Adeline's little mind was trying to wrap around that. Even as a four year old we don't understand how much better His ways must be. We continue to believe tonight in the midst of many many questions!! I am so glad you have all of this written down so when this all comes full circle one day you will see how your faith strengthened in ways you never thought possible. Not to mention has pushed all of us to His feet tonight. Love you sweet friend and continuing to pray!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you and Rusty are going through now but I am praying for you both - for peace and comfort and your marriage to be strengthend through this. I know God has a wonderful plan for you and Rusty and look forward to seeing that revealed!
Love, Bethany

Callie said...

Jenni, please know that I am lifting you up in prayer tonight. We serve a mighty God. He has huge plans for you and Rusty, even if it's hard to see that now. My husband, Chris, is adopted and it is so clear to see the Lord's hand all throughout his life. His bith mother was young as well and we think about her often and wonder what she is like. This by no way means that I understand the hurt that you are going through. I simply know that God's plan for his children is detailed and complete. For a God who knows something as infinite as the hairs on our head, how can he not know and feel the desires of his daughter's heart? He loves you with an everlasting love. Praying for you tonight...

Anonymous said...

I started typing and then I just buried my face in my hands and cried. I am so sorry and heartbroken for you both. Reading your blog makes me feel like my heart has been ripped out and stommped on...and I'm not even you. Oh, I don't know how you get through something like this...I am just grateful that God knows all and feels your pain. I pray for an overwhelming peace to settle over your house...a supernatural peace. I pray that your wounded heart will heal more each day. I pray that Holland knows how much he is loved by both his adoptive parents and his awesome, loving, godly, generous, beautiful birthmom. He is tremendously blessed to have you in his life, even if it is under the current circumstances. I hurt with you both. We love you both!!! Chris & Kelley Nettles

Kim and Eric said...

I am so sad for your loss, but exceedingly joyful that those babies are in the presence of our Lord. What an incredible example you are to me and what an amazing testimony that God will surely use to bring Him glory!!! My heart aches for you. Praying for you....for peace, for healing, and for guidance.
Love y'all, Kim and Eric

Cindy Seay said...

I just want to hug you. Call me when you are ready for that hug!
i love you,

Jenny said...

Jennifer and Rusty,

My heart broke for you as I read this.... but I also know that because you are my brother and sister in Christ, that there is hope and peace. Praise the Lord that we serve a God who believes in comforting His children.

I will continue to pray for you. Thank you for sharing your story.


Erica and Jamie McMillan said...

I am so sorry to hear your news. I know that sorry isn't enough right now, but I know you will get through this. If I were not in Singapore I would take you out for the best Melting Pot Girls Night Out ever!! (I miss it SOOOO much and I know it's one of your favorite places!!). I'm glad that Rusty was able to make it home to be with you for these results and you did not have to hear this alone. I know that the two of you will get through it. You have been though so much already and this will only make your marriage stronger. Jamie and I are both thinking about you!

Kyle and Melanie White said...

We are so sad about the results, but can only imagine the pain and disappointment you must feel. Know that we're praying for both of you - that the Lord comforts your broken hearts as only He can, and that you receive guidance and peace as you continue to the next phase of your journey. God is good and His will and plan are perfect. Thank you for letting us walk with you in faith and hope. We love you and look forward to seeing God's plan revealed.
Love, Kyle and Melanie

Courtney said...

You are all in my thoughts & prayers.. All my love & comfort.


My heart is breaking for you. We are praying that God will bless you with His love and peace as he begins to heal your hearts. We will continue to pray for guidance and direction for y'all as God reveals His perfect will for your lives.

Lots of love,
Lindsay White

Anonymous said...

Jenny. Rusty. We love you guys. We will be praying harder than imaginable that God pours His comfort on you, as you have stated, and offers His guidance….

“Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.”


The Goods said...

Jennifer - we are praying for you guys and will continue to...I'm so sorry for your loss...a real loss...and real pain. I'm praying for comfort and peace for you and Rusty. The Lover of our Souls longs for that peace for you.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Jennifer. Please let me know if I can do anything for you. I will continue to pray for you. My heart goes out to you and Rusty.


Anonymous said...

I cannot fathom the utter depth of your pain, as my pain is but a glimpse into your world. But I can relate in that Anthony and I will never have a child together either. The healing is slow, but God is faithful to restore a joy that can only come from Him. Anthony and I will remember you in our prayers tonight.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I am so sorry to hear your news. My heart just breaks for you guys. God never closes a door without opening a window and I believe that with all my heart! My thoughts and prayers are with you guys on your journey...

Cyndy and Leah