Friday, December 5, 2008


I just got the call with today's results and things are not looking good. My estrogen has barely increased and my hcg levels are slightly elevated, but that is probably just from the second booster shot.
They still want me to come back on Monday because there is a chance that my hcg has not spiked yet, but medically speaking, that is improbable.
I am still believing God to do a miracle, but praying that He continues to prepare my heart for disappointment. I have already begun to stop asking "Why?" and start asking, "How do you want to use me through this, Lord?" I know that He has a plan and that He will sustain us no matter what He has in store for us. But, that doesn't make my heart hurt any less.
The good news is that Rusty's case settled and he got to come home early. Although he has to go back next week, he will be home with me this weekend and Monday when we get the official word.
Thank you all for your prayers.


Sharon said...

I am so very sorry. I know God has a plan and we all need to see it right now.

Sally said...

We are praying for peace in your hearts right now, no matter what heppens.

Anonymous said...

My heart is breaking for you guys, but I am still holding on to the hope that God wants to fulfill your dream. I will continue to pray for you.

Love, Annette

Unknown said...


Please know that you're in my prayers today and throughout the weekend. Love, Courtney

Anonymous said...

Hang on to HIS promises girl! My heart feels your disappointment,sadness and fear.We felt it many times also and in his time, He blessed us with our beloved twins. One who remains on earth with me, the other in Heaven. Know that I am praying for peace and comfort with a special request, In THE NAME OF JESUS, positive results and a healthy pregnancy. HE has a beautiful plan for your family. Stay strong my sister and know that you are loved!


APage said...

I'm a friend of Ana Good and I pray for you daily!
I am praying this for you and Rusty...
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Romans 15:13

ClintandGina said...

My heart hurt for you when I read your post. I know that God can do anything and look forward to seeing how he works out His perfect plans in your lives. He will provide, we may just not understand how at this moment. I love to think of all the prayers that are being said for you and your future children. Praise God for your sweet FAITH!

Hayley said...

I praying that God will give you peace as you walk this difficult road. I know this weekend will be tumultuous, but I also know that He gives the peace that we cannot begin to understand!

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

Erica said...

Oh, Jenni. I'm so sorry. I know the waiting and I know the confusion all too well. If it's any consolation, I also know firsthand that God is faithful in this very circumstance and He will provide all that you need as you wait the next couple of days and as you process His answer, whatever that is, next week.

I'm praising Him for bringing Rusty home earlier than expected. I recommend you all do something fun together this weekend.

Know that I am on my knees for you both. If you need a listening ear, please call. (I'm not sure if I have the right cell phone number for you.)

Love and hugs,

Unknown said...

Jenni I am so sorry! My heart hurts so bad! I will continue to keep you and Rusty in my prayers and thoughts. I pray that the Lord wrap his arms around you and keep you! Sending you big hugs and kisses!

Anonymous said...

We love you guys and are praying for peace and comfort no matter what God's plan is for you both. Love, Kim and Robert