Friday, December 12, 2008

Thank you, Mrs. Linda and Mr. Ted!

What a beautiful surprise to lift my spirits. And you even remembered my favorite, white roses. We are so blessed to have so many of you to love on us and encourage us through this time.

Last night, I had the opportunity to go to Converge to hear Beth Moore and Travis Cottrell. It was a wonderful night of worship and I am so glad that I went. Those of you who were there will understand, but her words spoke right to my heart. In a room of 6,000 people, I felt like she was speaking just for me. I wont even attempt to recap it, because no one can deliver the word like she can!

I realized yesterday, that I have not even let myself grieve. I cried a little when I gave Rusty and my mom the news, but since then, I have really just been numb. I have gotten right back into a routine. I have been distracted with my health issues and Rusty traveling, so I haven't sat down and even talked to him about it. I know how I should feel and the truth is I desperately want to feel that way and so that is the way I present myself. Last night, all of the emotion came at once.

I realized that I lost three babies and I allowed my heart to grieve for them. I sat with my face in my hands and sobbed- you know the snot running into the mouth, sweaty, blubbery kind of sobbing. My sweet friend Tami was with me and I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to have her at my side. It felt so good to release all of that emotion.

There are so many things that I took away from last night:
I realized that my disappointment has been a stronghold in my life. I have been so preoccupied with what I do not have, that I have not taken the time to be grateful for what I do have. My disappointment is something that I need to take to the altar and surrender to Him.

I learned that God still is who I know him to be. I was telling Tami before the worship started that it felt terrible to even say out loud, but I was beginning to question my whole relationship with God. I know in my head who He has proven Himself to be in my life. But, how can I believe that He is what He says He is, in the midst of this much pain? I was praying that very prayer and I kid you not, He threw the answer at me. They were singing "Lord, You're Holy" and when they reached the chorus, the graphics on the ginormous screen behind Travis flashed
Wonderful, Glorious, Holy and Righteous, Victorious, Conqueror, Triumphant and Mighty, Healer, Deliver, Shield and Defense, Strong Tower and My Best Friend, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Soon Coming King, Alpha, Omega, Lord of Everything....

And He spoke to my heart, "That is who I am. It is who you know me to be. Any more questions?"

I asked Tami, "Why me?" Haven't I been through enough hurt for one lifetime? My life has been a series of struggles and it seems that just when I recover from one, the next one begins. My mom died of cancer when I was six, I struggled with eating disorders, depression, an unplanned pregnancy, placing a child for adoption, fighting in court for years to terminate the "father's" rights only to have him win visitation from the adoptive parents. Meanwhile, I (the one who chose to give him life) don't even get a Christmas card. Now, I can't even have the one thing that I have always wanted the most, the one thing that I have prayed for every day for the last ten years... to have a baby with my wonderful, godly husband and get to be not just a mother, but a mommy.
"What are you doing, Lord? Why me, God? Isn't it someone else's turn?

Beth spoke about how these trying times of disappointment should be a blessing. How some things seem to come so naturally for so many others (like having a baby) and we look at God saying, "See Lord, it's not that hard. I am not asking for much here!" But what happens naturally for them, can only happen supernaturally for me. He will move in my life and when He does, there will be no other explanation except that God is who He says He is. His power and glory will be shown through my life. I am not being picked on, I am hand-picked by Him.

Through this situation, He may not give me what I am asking for, but He will give me something greater, something that I did not even know to ask for.

You gotta love Beth. She is such an amazing teacher. Amanda, her daughter, was in Aggie Sisters for Christ at the same time that I was and Beth came to speak to us one night. It was the first time that I had ever heard her, but she spoke to my heart in such a way. I can even still remember what she taught, 10 years later. I was amazed at the obvious anointing of this woman and how God was using her in such mighty ways. Since she goes to our church, I have had the opportunity to hear her many times and I am always so blessed. Rusty and I went to the altar to pray last weekend and I joked that I was going to stop and grab Beth by the hand and take her with us. I told Rusty, if He hears anybody's prayers, you know Beth has got to be one of them! She is always good for some laughs, but I have never left her teaching without even more tears.


Hayley said...

I ached with you as I read your post a few days ago, and I am rejoicing with you today as I read about what the Lord is doing in your life through such heartache. Reading about the child you chose to give life to and then having no contact makes me angry! I am so thankful that God led us to New Life and that we have a relationship with our daughter's birth family.

Cindy Seay once told me something that I will NEVER forget about adoption. She said as a woman, our hearts ache for two things--to be a mom and to be pregnant. Adoption fixes one of those but not the other. It's so true! I am MOMMY to my daughter, but I still have that ache to know pregnancy.

I will continue to pray that God leads you in the direction He wants for you. His plan is PERFECT because He loves you so much!

Jaclyn said...

Oh my goodness Jen... i was there last night and I COULD NOT get you (or Erica) off my mind. I was wonderfing if you were there. Her message talked to everyone in the room, but my heart could not help but to be thinking of you. I sat in my chair and prayed for you, and I continue to do so.
I pray in agreement with Beth that this is your year for answers, even if it is something so great you didn't know to ask for it......

ClintandGina said...

I must agree that Beth Moore has a special anointing. She speaks to me like no other teacher...and I always leave her teachings feeling moved and longing to be devoted to Jesus in the way she is. She is an amazing woman and I am so glad she was able to bless you last night. Know that God's ears are now ringing with prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Woolley.

Unknown said...

I am glad you have found some solace in Beth's teaching. I love you so very much, and just want you to know that I am very sorry.

p.s. Jackson love ketchup and every time he asks for it I think of you!!! (keep your chin up)

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

ok, so I am so glad you got a ticket!! I of course thought of you as well, and was seriously going to email you all of my notes!! The last point was sooo good. Also, what was so good is that it spoke to each one of us specifically. All in our different seasons and God is teaching us all of the same!! Be where we are. Take it to Him. I don't do that enough. Be in the disappointment but then take it to the alter and live in that hope. Love ya and really so glad we were in that room together last night :)

Erica said...

PRAISING GOD for His perfect, timely, creative encouragement! I have been begging the Lord to get creative with you and show you His presence and His love in new ways, and I am so excited to see how He is working in your heart this week.

We need to get together again. I feel like we have so much to share with one another. Plus, I just want to hug your neck. So, I'll be e-mailing...


Kim and Eric said...

I was there on Thursday night and prayed for you often that evening. The worship was AMAZING and Beth truly brought the Word in such a great way! You are picked out for sure and God is going to do something supernatural through all of this! Love you friend!

Beth said...

Darling Jennifer, God has His hand tightly around you and even when it's the darkest, it's because He's tucked you in the cleft of the Rock and covered you there with His hand. It is to your Father's glory that your life bear much fruit. Descendants WILL come from you, one way or another. "Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left...Do not be afraid." (Isaiah 54) The Lord has heard you, Jennifer. May He SHOW you His favor.

In His great love,
Your servant Beth

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

Sweet Jenni,
I too was at Converge and the Lord brought you to my mind and heart the minute Beth revealed what she would be speaking about. I didn't know you were there and told Ashley I would definitely have to make sure you got that message on a CD! She told me tonight to read your blog and that you HAD been there! I'm so thankful that God spoke to you through this Godly woman. Beth brings the Word and God never fails to use her to reach inside my heart and bring me to my knees. I pray that God reveals His perfect and complete will for you and Rusty. God is faithful!
I love you,
Mammy Marler