Saturday, January 31, 2009

January 31st

On January 31st, 1987 my mom died of cancer.
On January 31st, 1997 her dad died.
On January 31st, 2003 my dad's mom died.

It's not a safe day for my family.

Is it stupid that I am afraid to leave the house today? I feel like if I can survive through the end of the day, I will probably be good for another year.

So, I am just going to sit here on the couch with my helmet on.

See you tomorrow!


Sharon said...

You sit right there in that house with our helmet on! I don't blame you at all. Love you!

Kyle and Melanie White said...

I think I would do the same!

Erica said...

Now I feel even more special that you left the house to bring me scrapbook supplies! You are so brave! And an AMAZING BLESSING!!


Hayley said...

Scrapbook supplies??? Are you a CM consultant by any chance?

Rusty and Jennifer said...

Hayley- no, I am not a CM consultant. I just let Erica use what I had. I get inspired and buy the supplies, but never follow through! I try desperately to be creative, but I am not!

Unknown said...

I thought of all that today too! I guess we were connected by our thoughts! LOVE YOU

kyle said...

Did you survive? You haven't blogged in 3 days...