Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Yes, I survived.

As Kyle pointed out, I never posted to let you know that I survived January 31st! Sorry about that! I just haven't had anything interesting to blog about.

We haven't been up to much except work. It has been an especially tough week for me and I haven't had a lot of energy to do much else. We are still working on getting the house put back together (from Ike damage), so I have had a few redecorating projects to keep me busy. I will post pictures when I am finished. I am just so READY to have my house back! Spending my days off work waiting for contractors to show up is so frustrating.

Rusty has found a way to keep himself busy with a new toy- a ripstick. Have you seen these things? They are pretty crazy. It is kind of like a skateboard, but more complicated. He played with one in Atlanta and just had to buy one when we got home. He was very proud when he taught himself to ride it in one hour. Before long, he was teaching all of the neighbor kids!His family came to visit this weekend and they got lessons as well. It was pretty entertaining!

Poor Meme!

Our friend Anthony came over and played with Addison.
They were so cute snuggled in her princess bed, sharing popcorn!

We also did an impromptu photo shoot. We didn't have the best outfits to work with, but this precious girl is adorable no matter what she has on! I love her so much, I can hardly stand it! Being a "Tia" is the greatest thing in the world!


Sharon said...

The best part of Meme on the cement is looking at the boys' faces! I don't think I will run out and buy me one of these anytime soon. Thanks for dog sitting Bandit for us.

Sally said...

We love Tia!