Monday, February 23, 2009


I have been a terrible blogger lately and I am sure that you are all quite bored with my page.
I just haven't had much to blog about. Correction, I have had a lot on my mind, but it is not always blog appropriate. I usually write a post, feeling better to have it all written out, but don't always think that the whole world needs to read it! Plus, I don't want to be a "Debbie Downer" blog where you go to hear what sob story I currently have.
I will tell you that it has been a very tough couple of weeks for me. I have been faced with some pretty difficult stuff that has had me emotionally and physically drained. In the midst of all of it, I am continually reminded that God is in still control. And because of that, I am able to rest in Him. As cliche as it sounds, "I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future."

I have had several things that will keep a girl's spirit up though:

A new Car
And a girl's night at The Melting Pot to celebrate
two of my favorite people!
Happy Birthday, Linda and Ginger!
I love you guys and can't thank you enough for your friendship and support!


Sharon said...

Nice car. I like it! What is it? Love you!

Court said...

Sorry that you've had some rough weeks ~ just know that I'm praying for you. Enjoy the new car :)

Jenny said...

Hooray for a new car! :)

You're in my prayers, girl. And you look simply stunning in that picture!

Erica said...

Yea for the new car! Everytime I see it now I am going to smile remembering the story of how it came to be...I can just picture you and that salesperson working out the details! :)

You are in my prayers every day. Hang in there and don't ever forget that you're not alone. I'm just a quick phone call or lunch date away if you need a listening ear.


ClintandGina said...

Nice ride! That is exactly what I want....but I am going to have to keep driving my 3 series a few more years. Praying for you during these tough weeks and hoping that God makes His plans clear for you.

Kyle and Melanie White said...

I know you're enjoying that pretty new car. I was waiting for its debut on the blog. :)

Sorry to hear the past few weeks have been rough. We're praying for you.

Callie said...

sweet new it!!!

Kim and Eric said...

YAY for the new car! We have been praying for y'all and we miss y'all too. Let's do a dinner with y'all and the Watsons soon, ok?

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for making the birthday so special. you are special.
love you,
