Wednesday, June 3, 2009


If you know me at all, then you know that I am the world's most boring dresser. When I find something that I like, I wear it all the time! Does anyone remember my many jean jacket days?? It used to be like a security blanket for me. Rusty swore that he was going to bury me in it. I have tried really hard to only wear it sparingly these days, but it is still a favorite.
I only wear solid colors because I feel too "out there" in any patterns- like I am drawing attention to myself. Literally, I have one patterned dress in my closet, but it has been there for two years and it still has the tag on it.
I blame it on wearing scrubs for a living. Because I wear something so boring and comfortable every single day, I am totally out of my comfort zone in anything else.
And jewelry? I am even worse with that. Rusty bought me a diamond necklace and earrings for our wedding. I never take them off. I sleep in them, shower in them and wear them every day. I also wear my wedding set, of course.
For Mother's Day, my family gave me this James Avery remembrance ring with Holland's birthstone.
I absolutely LOVE it and have now added this to my every day jewelry selection. Now, I want another one to symbolize all of the babies that I have lost. They would have all been due in August or December, so I was going to add those two. But, Erica had the great idea to do one diamond stone to represent my pure little angels in Heaven. Isn't that great?

I have recently been inspired by several friends especially:
and Tracy
to step it up a notch and be more girly. They are all so adorable and are always accessorized so fun. I love it on them, but just didn't think that I could pull it off. Well, I don't know what's changed, but I am going for it. The picture with Tracy is last Friday night- my first attempt at accessorizing! That is literally the first time that I have worn anything other than diamond studs
since my wedding day four years ago!! It had to be documented.
So, today I went to Charming Charlie's and I was out of control. That place is Accessory Heaven. I am definitely going to have to have one of my guru's take me back because I spent an hour wandering around. I mean, you would think that I would easily be able to pick things out since they are color coordinated, but I am telling you guys, I am definitely style challenged. I bought lots of fun things, but was overwhelmed with all of the possibilities!
Girls, I think that you have created a monster!!

By the way, I got to spend the last two days with one of my favorite little men- Nate. It was awesome! He is such a doll and I just wanted to kiss his chubby cheeks all day. He has a smile that will melt your heart! Of course, I took hundreds of pictures and I can't wait until the day that I can share them with you, but for now, I just have to give you a peak. I can't tell you how many times I kissed these feet in the last few days!
Erica, your son is the sweetest thing on the planet. Thank you for letting me be his "Aunt Jennifer" and share in his precious life!


Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

You are just like Ashley. She has worn the exact same earrings for about 15 years - no lie! I'm thinking one pair of earrings are from Jamey Monzingo - her 8th grade boyfriend!!! And the other pair (her ears are double pierced) are from a Christmas gift we gave her in about that same year. I had her a pair of diamond earrings made when she got married from my old "Promise Ring" Robin gave me in 10th grade - but she said they hurt her ears. She now occasionally will wear a pair I got her from Sam Moon - but only when she "dresses" up - which isn't ever!!! ha! You girls crack me up!!
LOVE the ring your parents gave you on Mother's Day!!!!

Ronda said...

I love the earrings! And your outfit is too cute! Congrats on branching out! I can relate actually. I have such a hard time trying new things when it comes to clothes or accessories.

Kiki said...

That ring is beautiful!

I'm the same way. I wear the same hoop earrings. I changed them, from silver to gold and Sage noticed! I couldn't believe it.

I too want some accessories but feel so overwhelmed and confused. I would love to help, but I have zero advice for you!

Have fun!

Actually, I think the biggest thing is wear with confidence.

Anonymous said...

You looked super cute in your green dress and earrings! Of course you can't see any of my fun accessories in that pic, so I look like a bad mentor! :) tracy

Kyle and Melanie White said...

I love the dangly earrings with the lime green top. I'm proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone - you carried it off nicely.

Sharon said...

You looked so beautiful in the bright colors and earrings, but I think you are always beautiful. I also LOVE those kids in the first picture with you and Rusty.

The Whitmarsh Crew said...

Girl, I always think you look cute. You don't need accessories, but I get what you are saying. I am accessory challenged as well...wear the same earrings every day. Maybe we can overcome this together!

Jenny said...

Girl, I can get a bit out of control with the denim jacket. I would wear it to work 3 times a week if it was acceptable!!It is just easy and I'm all about layers.

I was really into solids for awhile too, but in the last 6 months or so I have forced myself to branch out. It is a whole new world and I feel really sassy ;)

Jaclyn said...

I LOOOVE the ring you got for mothers day. How precious! Also, you look so cute in the dangle earings. I am like you...i tend to wear solids but I have a couple friends who inspire me to be brave all the time. :)
oh...and i want to kiss those baby feet...such a precious picture!

Erica said...

Oh my goodness! You look H-O-T!! I love the dress, love the chandellier earrings! You were rocking it! I'm so proud...

And I am completely in love with the pictures you took of Nate. My mom and I were talking last night and we kept saying that every time we'd scroll down farther in the sneak peak there would be yet another picture that "is so Nate"! You captured him so well. These are priceless to us! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Love you! See you Monday!

Ashley McWhorter said...

Like mom said, this is so, so me!!! Love me some simple jewelry and solid shirts!!! Keep rockin it, girl! HA! :)

aggieriedels said...

What ever happened to your favorite Amethyst ring? Do you still have that? :)

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

Love this post!!