Does the fact that I absolutely hate to go shopping during the summer while people have their out of control children screaming and running up the aisles make me a terrible, impatient person that should never have children of my own?
I am not so naive that I think my children will never misbehave.
I do assure you, however that I will:
- not continue to leisurely try on clothes and ignore the fact that my nine year old boy is looking under all of the doors in the dressing room.
- promptly leave the store when my five year old is screaming bloody murder because he cannot have a toy.
- not just ignore my twelve year old and continue to shop while she yells and cusses at me.
I observed all three scenarios today all during a quick stop at Kohls. Seriously, what is wrong with people?
Is summer over soon?
Well today at my office, a woman came in to meet with an attorney and brought her four children. She met with the attorney while her 4 rowdy SHOELESS kids playe din the lobby for two hours.
I thought the same thing!!
Okay so I'm thinking that one Sunday the guys play golf together while we visit. Grant is all for it!
I had those EXACT thoughts before I had Sydney and I still have them. I know that will be my child some day but it will only go on as long as it takes for me to march them right out of the store!!
I have left a store with Nickolas and Emma both for throwing a fit. I think some people just don't care how their kids act. We are already teaching ours yes ma'am and sir and they are only 2 and 3... I don't know people are just crazy now...
I have to go to HEB on Friday or Saturday nights between 8-10 because I want to hit other peoples children.
wow...i cannot believe it! you are right, all kids have moments. Mine like to have "moments" together, in unison, in public. This is why i don't go out in public with both of them by myself. :) How moms just ignore that stuff in beyond me!!
Never say never.
I love you!!1 You make me laugh!!! :)
It just so happens I went to the store today and had the same thoughts enter my mind...I don't want to hear my own kids screaming much less yours! I love Terry's approach..he always says, "I think they need my assitance over there!"
you are so funny..i cant wait till summer is over myself.
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