Monday, February 15, 2010

Our weekend

After a very emotional week that included Holland's 11th birthday and a trip to Austin to meet with the fertility doctor, Rusty and I spent the weekend in Round Top for our annual Sunday school class retreat. As always, it was a wonderful opportunity to spend some quality time together and get recharged. We feel so blessed to have this wonderful group of friends that have loved on us and encouraged us so much in the last 3 years. 

I didn't get many photos of the weekend, but here is the traditional group shot in front of the lodge. Someone please comment and tell my husband that he doesn't look as bad as he thinks he does! Otherwise, I will be in real trouble for posting this:
And here are the beautiful flowers that Rusty gave me in honor of Holland's birthday:
I am so lucky to have such a wonderful man that loves me and honors me the way that he does.

I also feel so lucky to have such amazing friends and family. Thank you to each of you that reached out to me to let me know that you were praying for me that day. I cannot begin to tell you how much it meant to me to know that so many people were thinking of me and praying for Holland on that day! Someday, I hope that he knows how many people have loved and prayed for him throughout the years.

And thank you for your support regarding our appointment on Friday. Though we did not leave there with a particular plan of action, we did leave with a sense of peace.  We still do not know yet how we will proceed, but we both felt a confirmation about the doctor that we have chosen. We are very confident that when we do choose to move forward, that we are in the right hands with this practice. Please continue to pray for clarity and for open doors.


The Miller Big Top Circus said...

I love seeing the pic of the Big Time on the retreat. We really miss that class! We love our church, but have not found a Sunday school class that even comes close to that one. I am a bit teary eyed looking at the photo and knowing how blessed all of you were for committing your time to each other and the Lord for that weekend. God does some amazing things at that retreat. Hang in there! I am so glad you had peace after your appt and will continue to pray for you!

Tara Powell said...

I've been thinking about you lately. Praying for your journey.

Sharon said...

Looks like a good group. Rusty always looks good to me, but then I am his mom!

Kim and Eric said...

Love that place in Roundtop! We have some great memories from the NWC retreat when we all went. Hope it was a refreshing time for y'all on the retreat. Miss you and am still trying to figure out how these nurses in Jackson Hole will even compare to you....the very best! Wish that you could just come up and show them how things are done. Love you and praying for you.

Unknown said...

Tell Rusty he looks great! Hey, at least he isn't on the first row like me. I look like I have HUGE jeans on...not good. I have been thinking about you this week, my friend. You are so thoughtful and so loving. I just know Holland will realize it all in the future and will be overwhelmed at the love you have always had for him.

nault's nook said...

praying for you!