Monday, March 1, 2010

To be continued...

I ended my last post by saying, 

"These are the kind of days that make me really love my job...."
I used to simply refer to that punctuation as dot-dot-dot, which I have always assumed to mean "to be continued." When I finished my previous post, I did so with the intention of writing this post in the near future. I was going to tell you the "to be continued version" of that statement. I was going to tell you the ending of that story. But the truth is, I do not yet know what God has in store.
Because I am married to a man who knows everything about everything, I am now aware that this punctuation is called an ellipsis. When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it's definition to be "an omission or suppression of parts of words or sentence." That's when I realized that's truly what my ellipsis was anyway, a suppression of words.
The words that I did not say were ones that you have heard before, but that I try not to say often. They are words that are hard for me to write because doing so makes me feel like I am weak.

But the truth is, the words that I omitted would have had said that those days of joy that make me love my job are few and far between lately.
I am honored to be a part of my friends' deliveries and overwhelmed by the significance of sharing that day with them. It reminds me of why I am Labor and Delivery nurse in the first place and makes me so grateful for the opportunity that God has given me to serve in that way. But, I used to feel that way most of the time, no matter who the patient was. I left most days feeling like I had made a difference in someone's life. But after three years of serving others as they grow their own families, while grieving the pain of infertility, I no longer have that joy. On the bad days, I have a hard time being gracious and kind. And on the good days, I have a hard time being sincerely happy for my patient. And I come home, emotionally drained, with nothing left to give to those around me.

Admitting that is so hard for me. It makes me feel weak and like I have failed. It has taken me a long time to come to a place where I can say that serving in that capacity is not the healthiest option for me or for my marriage. 

I have spent many months praying about where to go from this realization. So many of you have joined me in that prayer and I cannot thank you enough for your support in that. There have been a lot of tears and time spent on my knees about this decision, but today I resigned from Labor and Delivery.
Though I know that this was the right decision for this season in my life, I still struggle with feeling like I am a quitter. And I am sad. I am leaving behind a group of people that have poured into my lives for the last six years. My coworkers have become an extended family to me. They have watched me grow both as a nurse and a woman. They embraced me when I moved here from Dallas, nursed me through a break-up, celebrated with me when I met and fell in love with Rusty, gave me opinions while planning a wedding, helped me learn how to be a wife, laughed with me, cried with me, supported me and taught me.
And some of you that read this, do so because we first met when you were my patient. What an honor to know you and now to call you my friend! I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to play that role in your life and am sad that I will not be there as you continue to grow your families! You know that I became an L&D nurse because of the experience that I had with my nurses when Holland was born. The first one was so cold and hateful, but then another nurse came in and was so compassionate and loving. She changed my whole experience for the positive! If I brought just one ounce of comfort or joy to your day, than I will have succeeded in my goal. 
But here is the "to be continued" part of the story that I can share with you- 
I have accepted a new job and will start work in a few weeks!
It is at a new hospital, where I will be a surgical pre-op and recovery nurse. My patients will be both orthopedic and cardiac patients. That means, women and men of all ages! I am a little scared because I will have so much to learn after caring for only women and babies since I graduated from nursing school 7 years ago! But, I am excited for the challenge and anxious to get back to a regular schedule (and paycheck!)

Right now, it is just a PRN position, but I will be able to move into a part-time position as soon as one opens up and will quality for insurance coverage. Why is this so exciting? Because this new insurace covers fertility costs!!  After paying out of pocket for three years of infertility testing and two rounds of IVF, this is a huge blessing for us!

So, as I close one chapter in my life, I look forward to opening a new one! As always, thank you for journeying along beside us and loving us through our story. I don't know what is next, but I have read this author before and I trust that He has something up His sleeve. I hope that you stick around to find out what it is.


APage said...

Praise God Jen! He is so faithful and He is SO good.
Praying for you all and journeying with you, expectant of His grace.

Erica said...

This is so well written...your heart is beautiful! Thank you for your honesty, your vulnerability, for being YOU no matter what. I know that you have blessed many, many lives over the past 6 years. I have no doubt.

God has MAJOR plans in store for you, friend! And your new patients and coworkers are SO immensely blessed! You are too; even though endings are extremely hard, know that God's open doors are always the absolute very best!

I am praying for you and look forward to continue journeying with you.

Love you, friend!

Erica and Jamie McMillan said...

Don't know how I did it, but somehow I deleted my comment. Brain doesn't seem to be all there lately so, what I said was -

I'm so glad you found a job that you can be excited about again, but at the same time sad that when I return you will not be there!
I'm sure you will be extremely missed by all at the FBC.
I wish you the best of luck with your new experiences and can't wait to read all about them! You are a wonderful nurse and I know that compassion you had for all of the mom's and babies will spill over to your patients no matter the age or gender!

Tara Powell said...

Congratulations on your new adventure. I know it must be hard to leave, but think of all the amazing friends and memories you have waiting to be made. I'll be praying for you!

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

So excited to see what God has in store for you with your new job!! I bet it's going to be one of those where you sit back and say, "oooohhh - so THAT'S what God was doing!!" Praying for you!

Deborah Fleming said...

You are not a quitter. You have been a huge blessing to me, reading your blog reminds me that I gave my life to the Lord so He could be in control so I need to give my heart ach and problems to Him also. You always look to the Lord for direction and I need that reminder.
Thank you.

Sara said...

Congratulations on this new journey! Just as I'm sure you are a terrific L&D nurse, I know you'll make an even better surgical pre-op one! And I know the Lord has great things in store for you there. Good luck!!

Angela Hinton said...

You are a great L&D nurse, but more importantly, you are a great nurse!! You will touch lives and have an impact wherever you go, that is just who you are. I am glad you made this decision. I hate to see you hurt yourself. You will be awesome in your new job. I miss you and your smiling face. You are a great woman. You inspire me. Good luck with the new job. Great news about the insurance. Love you girl.

The Riley Family said...

This is a beautiful posts. I love you dearly and I am so blessed that you were part of my birth story. God has such big plans! I can't wait to see Him work through you in this new way.

Unknown said...

You will be making a great impact on your patients whether they are old or young. What a beautiful inspiration--I can't wait to see what God has in store for you in this new position.

Unknown said...

I still stand by what I posted on your last entry. You are an incredibly unselfish person and a wonderful friend! I am so excited for you to start a new job! I think that is definitely the right road to take. How awesome that it will cover infertility treatments!!! Hallelujah!! That is amazing. I have no doubt that is where God wants you to be. I am looking forward to hearing/reading about this new chapter in your life. :)

Lainey-Paney said...

Wow. Good luck in your new position! I can only imagine how hard it must be to struggle with infertility, whole working on L&D full time. I hope this new position will be a refreshing change of pace!

Stacey said...

Praise the Lord! God is so good. I am excited to see this new door open through a new job and new insurance. What a blessing! I just love the way the Lord works. He is the God of the past, present, and future. We are written on the palms of His hands, and He already knows how your story is going to unfold. I can't wait to find out!

Catherine said...

Wow. Good luck in your new position! I can only imagine how hard it must be to struggle with infertility, whole working on L&D full time. I hope this new position will be a refreshing change of pace!