Monday, April 12, 2010

Run for Compassion

This weekend, I had the honor of being a part of the Run for Compassion in College Station. On Friday night, I drove up and stayed at the bustling race headquarters, which is also the home of Rusty and Jenn Bacak. They were so gracious to allow me to stay in their home and be a part of this amazing event!

This was the second annual Race for Compassion and it was a huge success! I really encourage you to take the time to click on the link and read Jenn's story about how this race idea was conceived. It is such a great story of God taking a small amount of resources and a willing and obedient heart to do BIG things!

Last year, they raised $4000 for the Child Survival Project through Compassion. Just one year later, with a second race, they were able to more than double that amount and raised $10,000 for this project! I can only imagine how quickly this will grow!

I am thrilled to get to be a part of this and see how God is working. I am so inspired by Jenn and her obedience to follow- even when the task is overwhelming! I know that He is going to continue to use her and this race in mighty ways and I am so excited to see what He has in store!