Friday, May 28, 2010

Volcanoes Stink.

Bags packed, passports in hand, checked into flight and got surprisingly good seats, international service applied to phone... Ready to go. 

We are supposed to be on our way to here right now:

But this happened and we had to cancel our trip. 

The airport is shut down, the town is covered in ash, and the President has declared a "state of calamity." 

Seriously, the volcano erupts the day before the Woolleys are coming? COME ON, GOD!!! What are you doing? 

I know that I should be thankful that we are safe and that it didn't erupt while we were there. And I know that I should feel bad for all of the Guatemalans that were affected by this and trust me, I do. I am not completely selfish. But, right now I also feel a little sorry for myself and am very disappointed. I was really, really, really looking forward to it. 

But, if we had been able to go, I would have missed this: 

Congratulations to our dear friends, Kim and Robert!!! They welcomed their second son, William into the world today. We were worried that he might try to come while I was away, but because our trip was cancelled, I was able to be there! I had the honor of being with Kim during her labor and delivery, just like I was with his big brother. What an awesome privilege to share such a special day with this family! Love you guys!


The Riley Family said...

That sucks about your trip but glad you got to be there for Kim's BIG Baby!! I love you and you know you are so welcome to spend the weekend with us. Love you!

Stacey said...

Can't believe that about your trip! Looked like a fabulous place to stay, too. Not to rub it in, but I'm dissappointed for you :) Maybe you'll get to go back one day! What a great blessing though, to be with your friend during her son's delivery!

Unknown said...

I saw your misfortune (or fortune??) on Facebook and meant to reply! Wow! Isn't that crazy? I'm glad you aren't covered in black, Mrs. Woolley, but I totally get your disappointment. That place looked really, really, really, really nice. Can't you book a trip for another part of the

Robert and Kim Holz said...

Ok, I am just now reading your blog and balling!! I love that you guys stayed here with us - even though I know Guatamala would have been way more fun :). I love so much that you were there with me. It meant more than I can tell you. thank you and love you.

Unknown said...

I left you an award on my blog... I know you might not be into that sort of thing, but you deserve one anyway!